I have been trying to find the words for this month's astrology in positive ways, because I truly do have faith that the universe has our backs. The more that I have looked into the astrology transits, I would be doing everyone a disservice if I wasn't authentic in what I see.
With that being said, that doesn't mean all of us are walking into a dumpster fire. This could be your best month. If so, I celebrate that for you! Most likely however, April is going to feel like a House of Mirrors that doesn't have an exit door.
I am sure your thinking of the eclipse, and in a small way I am but it's so much bigger than the eclipse. In February, as I looked at the month of April for an astrology guide, I immediately noticed some notable Pluto transits.
According to science.nasa.gov Pluto was found in 1930, the last time Pluto was in Aquarius was 1778-1798. We can't exactly as anyone who was alive during that time for their personal experience. In a way we are writing the history of Pluto standing in the light of the sun since 1930. I had to really take a pause and do more studying before I could talk about what I was seeing, because I had a rough Pluto in Capricorn experience, as my sun is in that sign, and it is my 8th house.
I will say that while there was some personal attachment my experience, as I dug deeper into the charts, I came to the conclusion that this month is going to be challenging for the collective, not because of the eclipse, although it adds a layering of spice. There are other things going on that I haven't heard anyone really talking about and that's my focus.
Starting with two days before the eclipse. I am using 1:44pm EST for my starting point. The first thing I see in the sky is the Ascendant is in opposition to Pluto in Aquarius. Let's break down what that means. Mundane astrology represents focuses on events related to specific locations, nations, and the entire world, rather than individual birth charts. The ascendent in that chart represents how that location is perceived by others. Pluto- represents transformation and regeneration and power.
So that opposition to me speaks of a power struggle between the country's identity of self, control and dominance over the self and the deep-seated fears that feeling that power struggle can bring. At that point my intuition told me to keep looking, so using the time of 1:44pm I pulled up the rest of the months charts and this is what I saw.
From April 4th through April 12th this opposition activates at 1:44. That is 8 days of this opposition at the same time of the Eclipse. The next thing that made me literally exclaim ewwww was two days after the eclipse. When Mars and Saturn are in a conjunction in Pisces.
Understanding that Mars represents action, passion and assertion while Saturn brings to the table discipline, structure and restriction. The issue is this conjunction is happening in dreamy Pisces, where neither of these planets enjoy being. This pairing is an invitation of the cosmic kind to confront what is holding us back and take action. TWO days after an eclipse.
Moon energy rings out 72 hours give or take, before and after the event. Eclipses do not illuminate, they cover. At the same time this is in the eight days of the Ascendant in opposition to Pluto, which also asks us to confront our deepest fears and insecurities so that we can gain greater self-awareness and a stronger sense of personal power. As a reminder this brings us to the 10th of April. Moving on!
April 11th the sun in Aries is in a conjunction with Mercury Retrograde in Aries. The sun in Aries represents our core self. Mercury is the mind of the self. When these two meet up it normally invites the energy of passion, courage and assertiveness. But with retrograde in the mix, it turns to reflection, review and recalibration.
Again, remembering that on the 11th we are still shrouded by eclipse energy. Which is not stable energy, nor is it illuminating. The answers we seek are not going to be easily found, you're going to have to really dig deep and be honest with yourself.
There is a little bit of a breathing break until the April 20th. The Sun moved into Taurus on the 19th. Aries season is over. My recommendation for this day is to revisit anything that came on the 11th as an "answer" because Mars in Pisces is in a sextile (harmonious angel) with Uranus in Taurus. There will be more grounding energy to work with.
April 20th, we have a rare transit. The second of the month. It could be that I am a Swiftie on an Easter Egg hunt of the number 2, but I feel like that number keeps popping up, and I know universe loves number chats. Back to the astrology...the rare transit is Jupiter conjunction of Uranus in Taurus. This closes out a 14-year cycle. The last meet up was in 1997 in Aquarius.
Jupiter the planet of growth, opportunity, and also excess and Uranus brings unpredictability, change and rebellion. Taurus grounds energy as an earth sign. Taurus also has a connection with our stability and finances. Like I said before though, this is a cycle ending. Asking us as they do every time we meet up, if we have embraced and intergraded the conjunction message of growth, awakening and exploration.
That is then followed with on the 21st the sun in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius. This aspect tests your strength, resilience, and ability to navigate darkness. The sun in Taurus speaks of security, values, and physical well-being. While Pluto in Aquarius we become more aware of inequality, injustice, and the need for independence. Then another two days later on the 23rd of April the full moon in Scorpio and the sun in Taurus is square Pluto in Aquarius.
If the sun represents the known self, the moon represents the unknown self. A full moon is always an opposition of the moon and sun, where they are directly across from each other and there is a push pull type of energy between them. A square is like when the planets involved are not seeing eye to eye.
The themes of the day for the 23rd of April are in no order: Unearthing hidden issues, emotional intensity and or crisis, ruthlessness and transformation with an opportunity for evolution. It is by facing your inner demons, getting through each crisis that you gain the self-awareness and strength to transform those destructive patters. As a reminder, energy involving moon transits last for 72 hours before and after. So, a nice little break on the 27 through the 29th of breathing room.
The 29th Venus enters Taurus, a sign that Venus is at home in. Venus is love and sensuality, so this will be good energy. This also means that Venus is strong in influence. Definitely don't miss this date to appreciate all the pleasures in your physical world.
Until the 30th. The last day of April we are met with Venus in Taurus square Pluto in Aquarius. This square is about love and desire and oh yes stability and transformation and power. The square ignites power struggle energy. Words that come for this transit is obsession and control, financial challenges, and karmic relationships. Thankfully, Mercury is now direct, but you can probably count on someone from the past popping on this day.
That is the energy of the month. Just gross from my personal perspective. Not the fun, flirty, springtime vibes that I'm looking for. Instead, this month (as well as this year) is all about brutally honest introspection, responsibility of the self and the desires from the deep, and change. So much change. Just having an eclipse in this month is major change energy.
Suggestions for dealing with the energy. Shadow work. With Pluto transits the answers are in the deep dark depths, as well as the moon. Shadow work is designed to travel into those dark places. Do not actually make any changes, instead journal those things you want to change in that moment, circle back after May 2nd when Pluto goes retrograde.
My wish for everyone that reads this is that you have the most amazing April ever. My wish is you find me May 1st and tell me that you experienced the best April. I will celebrate that for you. Remember that you are not alone. And this is only a month, this energy won't last forever. It will settle.
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