The theme that has presented to me with the whole of 2024 astrology is "new cycle loading" and eclipse energy is always that. Eclipse season happens every year. Eclipses occur every 6 months and the vibration of their energy lasts for 6 months. So, we are always in the window of an eclipse.
What is the energy of an eclipse? In astrology an eclipse is considered to be more powerful times three of that of a full moon or new moon. Their function is to be a change agent, it's like an earthquake from the sky. Growth doesn't come from the comfort zone, and eclipse energy yeets one right out of the comfort zone.
There are multiple ways that one can harness this chaotic energy in a more balanced way. There are physical rituals like grounding or salt baths. Then there is spiritual woo woo ways, and that is what we are going to explore.
Awareness is key and the biggest chunk of the foundation. Understanding that you can be a participator in the energy or a witness to the energy. That there is a choice point for you to command your experience. That is in your power. You don't have to be an expert astrologer to understand and make the choice.
Shadow work is probably not the expected step two which is why it absolutely is. Eclipse energy shakes what no longer serves so that growth can occur. Shadow work involves introspection and acknowledging one’s innermost feelings and thoughts and allows you to intentionally step into the energy of the eclipse.
With that being said it is important to note that with a solar eclipse symbolize new beginnings and offer opportunities for renewal. They impact personal aspirations, ambitions, and self-image. While a lunar eclipse is associated with inner reflection and emotional processes. They reveal hidden or subconscious issues, allowing us to address and resolve them. So, keep that in mind when choosing your shadow work prompts.
Physical ritual and this could be something as simple as writing all the things that don't serve you and burning it or using tarot or oracle cards to pull in new awareness or answers. I always will encourage following your own internal yes or no, but I personally do not charge my crystals or moon water with eclipse energy.
In preparation of this year's spring eclipse, I created a guide in the same style of the monthly astrology guides. It was designed for those who want to participate in instead the change instead of being a passenger in Mr. Toads wild ride. These are specific to the signs that the moon and sun are in which is Libra/Aries.